The Surveillance Newsroom tackles present tense investigations into the rise of surveillance technology. It tackles the complexity of emerging technologies, their adoption by state and supranational actors and questions the push to render people as data. Much reporting casts this technology in a dystopic near future, this newsroom illuminates this datafication and its implications for human rights now.

Computer says no fly
Opaque surveillance tools being sold to governments with the promise they can ‘export borders’ to everywhere we board trains, planes and ships

Sweden’s Suspicion Machine
Behind a veil of secrecy, the social security agency deploys discriminatory algorithms searching for fraud epidemic it has invented

False Promise of Biometrics
Three-country investigation shows digital IDs in Africa failing to deliver promised democratic and development boost, while making fortunes for tech vendors

Automating Distrust
Digital profiling of Dutch low income, minority neighbourhoods spirals, series of local investigations reveals

France’s Digital Inquisition
Taking apart the secretive fraud detection algorithm that scores half of France’s population but pursues the most vulnerable.

Ghost in the network
How a Swiss tech expert runs a global phone surveillance system

Ethnic Profiling
Whistleblower reveals Netherlands’ use of secret and potentially illegal algorithm to score visa applicants

Spain’s AI Doctor
Unpublished documents and inside sources give rare look into secretive AI system used to decide who is shirking work

Suspicion Machines
Unprecedented experiment on welfare surveillance algorithm reveals discrimination

The Algorithm Addiction
Mass profiling system SyRI resurfaces in the Netherlands despite ban

Flight of the Predator
Private jet reveals business spyware web of Israeli tycoon from EU to Africa

Revealing Europe’s NSO
Uncovering major surveillance outfit operating from inside the EU

Junk Science Underpins Fraud Scores
Crude software scoring vulnerable benefit claimants is random and prejudiced

Europe Threatens Popular Encryption
Documents show governments seeking to hack services like Whatsapp and Signal

Biometrics in Africa’s Elections
French multinational made 10s millions despite repeat failures

Europol to be Europe’s NSA?
Investigation uncovers years of unlawful retention of personal data

Inside a Fraud Prediction Algorithm
Obtaining the source code Rotterdam uses to predict benefits cheating

EU Spy Tech in Myanmar
EU funds and techn secretly aid junta in spying on Burmese

What is Palantir Doing in Europe?
Tracing US tech giant roots in EU security, public health, aviation and data