
Making your investigation count at election time. What we’ve learned

With elections sweeping the globe this year, this episode covers how investigative journalists can get potentially vote-shifting findings in the media at a time where people are paying the most attention to politics.

In the context of the looming European Parliament elections, we talk to Director Klaas van Dijken and Food Systems lead reporter Thin Lei Win about their most recent investigations into 2 big issues on the EU election agenda – EU border policy and the farmers protests.

We dig into the findings of each investigation and the strategic thinking that goes into making them resonate with voters. It’s a relevant listen to any journalists hoping to engage the public around election time.

You can also listen to the episode on SpotifyApple Podcasts and YoutTube.

Hosts: Beatriz Ramalho da Silva, Tessa Pang
Sound Design: Spoovio – Audiovisual Productions